Gift ideas that also helps a good cause

Here is a list of gifts you can buy that also helps a good cause by giving most of generated profits to the cause supported. If over-consumption is something that makes you hesitant when comes times to give a gift to someone, those may be good choices for you !

WWF animal plush (40$)

When buying a plush from the World Wildlife Fund, you are also symbolically adopting a species. This means that they will use the money to help the specific animal you chosed, and there is a lot of them to choose from !

4Ocean bracelet (20$)

When buying purchasing a 4Ocean Bracelet, you will remove one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines. This bracelet represents your commitment to cleaning the ocean and to raise awareness of the 4Ocean movement!

Kiva Cards (25 - 2000$)

When you give a Kiva Card, you give someone else the chance to make a loan to a borrower who inspires them. When that loan is repaid, they can lend those funds again and again to make an even bigger difference. It's truly the gift that keeps on giving!

* I'll update that list when I find new ideas :)