Get more followers on Instagram, for free !
(This applies especially if you are trying to build a business, a brand or simply increasing engagement around your page. It could work better also if »
Beware: your personal files are visible by all users on Ubuntu, by default !!
I just discovered this after years of using Ubuntu: every user account you have created on your Ubuntu computer (during installation or afterward) have Read and »
Fix inverted natural horizontal scrolling with touchpad - Ubuntu 20.04
If your installation of Ubuntu is not fresh (an old version that you updated since then), this solution might be exactly what you need to permanently »
Bash script to create daily, monthly and yearly MySQL database backups
Here is my simple bash script that creates a fresh MySQL database backup every day for the last 30 days, and a monthly backup for the last 12 months, and a yearly backup for the last 10 years ! »
Fix 307 Internal redirect
If you are trying to test redirections on your web server (Apache, NGINX, etc), but your web browser (chrome, firefox, etc) keeps redirecting to HTTPS no »