How to increase pictures sharpness on your website
The best way to achieve 100% sharpness is to display an image with it's actual size matching the exact size of the file. Obviously, if the »
The next best Linux distro of 2021 (besides Ubuntu)
Based on personal preferences, which are : I want an OS that is simple, elegant, modern and deprived of visual clutter because I work on a plethora »
Best linux distro of 2021
For me, the best linux distribution is still Ubuntu. I've been using Linux for more than 10 years, it's on my main PC, my work PC »
Fix unwanted "// WARNING:" atom snippet when typing "width" !
This has been annoying me for years, every time I tried to type width in SCSS, the first snippet suggested after typing the first 2 letters »
Fix crackling sound when audio start, Ubuntu 20.04
Do you ear a very annoying crackling or popping sound coming from your speaker whenever an audio source start playing on Ubuntu 20.04 ? Well, that's »